I’d like to introduce a little container I created, load-postgis. It loads PostgreSQL database backup files from a local directory and restores its content, with special respect to geographic information systems.

The easiest way to manage data from geographic information systems is to keep them in databases, specially designed to compute geometries, coordinates and graphs. A good choice is PostGIS, a spatial database extension for PostgreSQL, which combined makes an outstanding system regarding performance, features and code quality.

Recently I started to revisit a GIS university project which I’ve worked on some years ago. To tidy up the development environment I’ve decided containerize the database. That way I’m no longer limited to my local machine and operation system, when working on the project.


docker pull newtork/load-postgis
  • no database files to restore, port mapped to 5432
docker run -p 5432:5432 --rm newtork/load-postgis
  • one or more database files to restore from local directory
docker run -p 5432:5432 --rm -v /local/database/dumps/:/restore newtork/load-postgis


  • the container is only suitable for development purposes
  • accessible default login: postgres/postgres

In case you still want to manually save the database changes, you may run…

docker run -p 5432:5432 --rm --name psql -v /dumps/:/restore newtork/load-postgis

docker exec -it psql pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f /restore/DB_NAME.BAK DB_NAME