My first steps with docker have been quite exciting. I decided to create a container to easily run an OpenTTD game server. This build comes with some neat little features, to stick out from conventional OpenTTD Docker containers.


  • During build the container automatically downloads the latest stable version of OpenTTD and additionally the required asset files.
    • Files which have been downloaded are being verified by their checksum.
    • A default game server configuration file can be attached to the build.
  • During run the container’s shell script tunnels the game server’s I/O.
    • You can use the game server commands, like saving, loading, announcements, pausing, restarting, …
    • Save-game names and additional runtime configurations can be set when starting the container, to load automatically.
    • On container termination the game will be saved.


newtork/openttd help
newtork/openttd [save [config [name]]]


docker run -dit -p 3979:3979/tcp -p 3979:3979/udp newtork/openttd [savegame] [settings] [servername]
\_____________/ \_______________________________/ \_____________/  \______/  \________/  \_________/
      |                        |                      |              |           |            |
 interactive       required port forwarding      maintainer     save game   config string   public game
  detached          destination port can be        build          name      \n-seperated    server name
  terminal           changed as required                           


docker run -dit -p 3979:3979/tcp -p 3979:3979/udp newtork/openttd
docker run -dit -p 3979:3979/tcp -p 3979:3979/udp newtork/openttd save1
docker run -dit -p 3979:3979/tcp -p 3979:3979/udp newtork/openttd save2 "$(</local/openttd.cfg)"
docker run -dit -p 3979:3979/tcp -p 3979:3979/udp newtork/openttd save3 "map_x=4 \n map_y=5" "My Favorit Server"

To keep the save files on your machine, just mount the volume:

docker run -dit -p 3979:3979/tcp -p 3979:3979/udp -v /local/saves/:/root/.openttd/save/ newtork/openttd save4 "map_x=4 \n map_y=5" "My Favorit Server"